Crows - Nature is Watching Us (English)
No animal knows us better than crows. Where there are people, there are crows. There is no revolution that they have not witnessed. Bloodbath or feast, they have marveled at both countless times as our chroniclers. As our companions, crows experience the entire spectrum of human behavior. They are idolized, hunted and banished. Considered unlucky and reviled as gallows birds, they are revered as birds of the soul and messengers of the gods. Crows are the unknown, critical observers of human civilization. We must listen to them and study their raven chronicles - we would learn a lot about ourselves.
Crows - Nature is Watching Us (English)
1h 29m — 1 text track
No animal knows us better. Where there are humans, are also ravens and crows. They have been watching us since time immemorial and have the ability to pass on this knowledge about humans to their descendants. Behind their mysterious, inquisitive gaze rests the chronicle of humanity.
Crows - Nature is Watching Us (English)
1 video
No animal knows us better than crows. Where there are people, there are crows. There is no revolution that they have not witnessed. Bloodbath or feast, they have marveled at both countless times as our chroniclers. As our companions, crows experience the entire spectrum of human behavior. They ar...
Krahen - Nature is Watching Us (Deutsch)
1 video
Kein Tier kennt uns besser als Krähen. Wo Menschen sind, sind auch Krähen. Es gibt keine Revolution, die sie nicht miterlebt haben. Blutbad oder Festmahl, beides haben sie als unsere Chronisten schon unzählige Male bestaunt. Als unsere allgegenwärtigen Begleiter erleben Krähen das gesamte Spektru...
Bahnhof der Schmetterlinge
1 video
Was soll der alte Badische Rangierbahnhof in Basel künftig sein: eine Drehscheibe für Güter und Container oder eine Drehscheibe für Tiere und Pflanzen? „Bahnhof der Schmetterlinge“ zeigt an einem exemplarischen Fall, wie wir als Gesellschaft mit gefährdeten Lebensräumen umgehen. Der Film erzählt ...